Love. Such a Small Word. Such a Depth. Such a Possibility.

First published on May 14, 2021


Above all, there is love.

Behind all, there is love.

Beneath all, there is love.

Sitting here, to write this piece this afternoon, something strange happened. Each time I sat, opening to what wanted to be written, a word flashed into my mind. Then I wrote half a sentence, and then I deleted it. I didn't write the word. And then the word came, and then I wrote half a sentence, and then I deleted it. And then the word, and then half a sentence, and then the delete key.

The word was love.

So then I wrote the word.


I feel a deep gratitude, in this moment, for all the love I have been infused with over the course of my life. To be loved, oh, what a gift.


Such a small word.

Such a depth.

Such a possibility.


Where there is no love, shine some love.

Turn the torch of your love on those forgotten corners of your life, long neglected, dusty, cobwebbed. Shine the love there.

Turn the torch of your love on those forgotten corners of yourself. Those ones you pretend, most days, don't exist.

Where there is no love, let love shine. Even just briefly, even just now, just today.

Through the guilt, let love shine.

Through the sorrow, let love shine.

Through the anger, let love shine.

Through the judgment, let love shine.

Even just today.

And let love shine, too, on the guilt, on the sorrow, on the anger, on the judgment.


It may not be all you need, but it is what you need. It is, at least, what need.


Such a small word.


Let it shine.

Stephen CreekComment